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Bek-Nielsen, Carl

Co-Chair, RSPO Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA) Chief Executive Director, United Plantation Bhd

Commenced his career with United Plantations Bhd in 1993 as a Cadet Planter before obtaining his degree in Agricultural Science from the Royal Veterinary and Agriculture University of Copenhagen, Denmark. In 1997 he returned to resume his career as a Corporate Affairs Officer with United Plantations Bhd. Today, he holds the position of Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Director of United Plantations Bhd. He is involved in several aspects of the Palm Oil Industry and the Group’s overall business operations, adopting a “hands-on” approach. 

Board Positions: 

  1. Chairman of United International Enterprises Ltd, listed on the Danish Stock Exchange.
  2. Board Member of Melker Schörling AB, listed on the Swedish Stock Exchange.
  3. Vice Chairman to the Board of United Plantations Bhd listed on the Malaysian and Danish Stock Exchange.

​He has been a Council Member on the Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA) and the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) for a total of 11 years respectively. He, furthermore, has been a member of the Programme Advisory Committee to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board since 2008 and the Chairman of the Research & Development Committee of the MPOA from June 2004. He has close to 20 years of experience within the Palm Oil Industry. November 2014, he was appointed on to the RSPO Board of Governors On 17th as Co-chair representing the MPOA. Carl Bek-Nielsen has presented several papers at various international and local conferences on issues relating to sustainable Palm Oil production and agriculture in general.

Hobbies: History, Sports and Flying.