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Please write to [email protected] to obtain access to PalmGHG application

PalmGHG Calculator

The PalmGHG Calculator was developed by the Greenhouse Gas Working Group 2 (GHG-WG2) of the RSPO, to allow oil palm growers to estimate and monitor their net greenhouse gas emissions. The calculator also enables oil palm growers to identify crucial areas in their production chain and thereby guide emission reduction opportunities.

PalmGHG Version Updates

Figure 1: Chronology of software updates

Figure 2: PalmGHG calculation system boundary

PalmGHG Version 4 – Online and Offline Application

Considered a breakthrough version of its kind, PalmGHG Version 4 is available in both online and offline applications. This feature is convenient for both growers and auditors in the field with poor network connection.  RSPO certified grower members will also be able to provide PalmGHG submissions to Certification Bodies more seamlessly, using this online application platform.

All existing and new RSPO grower member companies must write to RSPO Secretariat at [email protected] to get their one-off activation code for initial access to use the online application. This will be a unique code, one for each parent company. Consecutive annual assessment will not require this code.

Transition Period for PalmGHG Version 4

All grower companies will be given a 12 month transition period to familiarise themselves with and to start using PalmGHG Version 4. This 12 month transition period will be from 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2019. It will be compulsory to use PalmGHG Version 4 for all audits taking place after 31 December 2019.

PalmGHG Reporting Period

The PalmGHG reporting period is 12 months and may only be done for the period of either Jan-Dec OR Jul-Jun.  There shall not be any gap between the reporting period of two consecutive years (example as below): 

(*Ensure consistent reporting without gap in data collection)

PalmGHG requirement for Multiple Management Unit (multiple mill certification)

PalmGHG calculation formula factors in each mill’s extraction rate (OER and KER) to calculate the final emission value per tonne product. Thus, each mill shall calculate and report their final emission (tCO2e/tCPO) through separate PalmGHG reports. 
Note: Supporting mills (mills operating for less than 12 months) can aggregate their plantation data with the primary operating mill for reporting purposes. This exemption is given as supporting mills do not have the 12 months of data needed for a complete calculation.


Download PalmGHG Desktop Application (46.6MB)

Dear User, 

Kindly take note that the desktop application is solely to be used for NON-RSPO CERTIFICATION.

For RSPO Certification purposes, please send your request to [email protected] to access the web application.

Thank you

For further clarification, feel free to reach out at [email protected].