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[Update] Announcement: Public Consultation on RSPO Certification Systems for P&C and New Planting Procedures

The RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C) is now fully effective and all audits after 15 November 2019 shall be carried out against this standard or the endorsed National Interpretation that is aligned with the P&C 2018. The RSPO Secretariat has evaluated the needs to update it’s Certification Systems for P&C as well as the New Planting Procedures (NPP) to align with the current standard so as to ensure consistency in its application. Preliminary inputs were gathered since the beginning of 2019 through various platforms such as CB workshops, CB-Growers Alignment Workshops, various RSPO working groups, RSPO roadshows and RSPO Technical Team workshop.

The revised draft of the RSPO Certification Systems for P&C and the NPP document is now open for public consultation. Additionally, the NPP document also comes with an additional GHG Assessment Procedure for New Development guidance in meeting the NPP requirement. This is your opportunity to provide feedback on these documents for organisations as well as that within the P&C 2018. 

The public consultation will last for 60 days from 13th December 2019 to 12th February 2020. 

Please download the draft documents and provide your feedback using the attached forms. We welcome comments from all stakeholders to strengthen the revision of these documents. Comments and feedback can be submitted directly to [email protected].

During this public consultation period, several face-to-face consultation workshops will be organised in Malaysia, Indonesia and Latin America. In addition, webinars will also be organised for those who are not able to attend the face-to-face consultation. We will make announcements about these upcoming events soon with additional information including venue details.

Update: the consultation period is now extended to 29 February 2020 to ensure better consultation coverage worldwide

P&C Certification Systems Documents

NPP Documents