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RSPO Endorsed HCV Threat Monitoring Protocol

The revised Principles & Criteria (2013) of the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), an international certification scheme and multi-stakeholder association for sustainable palm oil was ratified by its members at the recently held Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The revised P&C introduced four new criteria namely criterion on Greenhouse Gases from new plantings (C7.8), ethical business practices with regards to counter corruption policies (C1.3), human rights policies (C6.13) and the banning of forced labour (C6.12).

Besides the new criterion, existing criterion are strengthened through introduction of new indicators and clarification on guidance. HCV management and monitoring is highlighted as part of the compliance for criterion 5.2 and 7.3. HCV documentation is also added as public info under criterion 1.2, and the guidance further clarifies that management documents will include monitoring reports.

Zoological Society of London (ZSL) has finalized a HCV Threats Monitoring Protocol via collaboration with the RSPO grower members. This tool has been endorsed by the RSPO Biodiversity and High Conservation Values Working Group in March 2013 (BHCV WG). It outlines the framework of HCV monitoring system and suggests practical steps for implementation.   


  •   Who should use this tool?

Certified growers and growers who are managing HCV areas within oil palm landscape


  • How to start with HCV monitoring?

Components of HCV monitoring system including patrol, record, input, download, visualise, analyse, report and distribute. Please refer to the ZSL Threat Monitoring Protocol for complete information.


  • Who to contact for training and further information?

Michal Zrust, ZSL

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +62 251 833 9 222 






Quick Glance on ZSL’s HCV Threat Monitoring Protocol

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HCV Threat Monitoring Protocol

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