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RSPO’s HCV Training Module

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">The RSPO is committed to the conservation of primary forests and high conservation values (HCV). The current RSPO principles and criterions 5.2 and 7.3 stated that:

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman""> 

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">Criterion 5.2

"Times New Roman"">The status of rare, threatened or endangered species and high conservation value habitats, if any, that exist in the plantation or that could be affected by plantation or mill management, shall be identified and their conservation taken into account in management plans and operations.


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">Criterion 7.3

"Times New Roman"">New plantings since November 2005, have not replaced primary forest or any area required to maintain or enhance one or more high conservation values.

"Times New Roman"">One of the major challenges for growers to comply with the above requirements is unavilablity of  HCV assessors and lack of understanding on HCV concept especially in new frontier countries.  B

"Times New Roman"">esides certification, all grower members are also required to comply with the RSPO New Planting Procedures (NPP) since 1st Jan 2010. Growers need to conduct a comprehensive and participatory independent social and environmental impact assessment (s) and the assessment (s) must include identification of all primary forest, HCV area, areas of peat soil, and local peoples’ land. A summary of the HCV assessment report must made available for 30 days public consultation.

"Times New Roman"">In 2012, RSPO and the HCV Resource Network have jointly produced a HCV Training Module that outline six main chapters on HCV and group exercises related to each training chapter.  

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman""> 

1.     What are the key elements of the RSPO's HCV Training Module?

Chapter One: HCV Approach and Definition

Chapter Two: HCV Requirements in the RSPO Standard and New Planting Procedures

Chapter Three: HCV 1-4 Identification

Chapter Four: HCV 5-6 Identification

Chapter Five: HCV Management and Monitoring

Chapter Six: HCV Reporting and Peer Review

2.    What are the main purposes of this module? 

i       To standardize content of RSPO’s HCV trainings

ii      To  promote common understanding on HCV concept

3.  Who should use/ refer to this module?

i       RSPO’s HCV training providers

ii      HCV assessors or RSPO members who are conducting internal HCV training


"Times New Roman"">This module has been endorsed by the RSPO's Biodiversity and HCV Working Group (BHCV WG) and adapted for two trainings in Malaysia and Thailand, and it is partly funded by IFC under the Biodiversity and Agriculture Commodities Program (BACP). This year, RSPO is planning to develop a system to engage with more training institutions especially partners and trainers who are operating in new frontier countries. Future RSPO endorsed trainings will be announced on the website. 

"Times New Roman"">RSPO will conduct periodically review on this training module to ensure relevance of the training content and provide latest development on HCV matter. Feedback is welcomed, please kindly contact RSPO secretariat (soochin.oi@rspo.org

"Times New Roman"">) for further information.  

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Document Size
HCV Training Module: Module 1-6 4.45 MB
HCV Training Module : Group Exercise 1.04 MB

"Times New Roman"">