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How advanced is the feed sector in sourcing sustainable palm oil?


20 Apr 2022 11:00 CET (Please check your time zones)




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When it comes to sourcing certified sustainable palm oil, there is still much room for improvement in the animal feed sector. For example, volumes of Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE), widely used in the feed sector, are largely conventional palm oil with some coverage by purchases of RSPO Credits. In 2020, just 3% of the 1.9 million MT of PKE used in Europe were covered by RSPO Credits and RSPO Independent Smallholder Credits, with no physical certified sustainable PKE used (data source).

In this webinar, NGO Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V will present their most recent independent report on the sustainability performance, challenges and commitment of German and European players in the feed sector supply chain. It will be followed by the contribution of RSPO member Lidl, who will present its policy for the feed sector.


  • Karoline Kickler, Specialist for Palm Oil, Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH): "Stop feeding rainforests – DUH Feed Radar: Urging for conversion-free animal products on the German market and beyond”

  • Alexander David, Director Corporate Social Responsibility Lidl Stiftung:

    "Lidl- a possible way for conversion-free supply chains – soy and palm oil"

The webinar will be moderated by Francesca Morgante, Senior Market Transformation Manager for Europe.