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Darrel Webber engages human rights NGOs at a debate in Berlin

On 2 September RSPO’s Secretary General Darrel Webber participated in a debate Beyond Control? Palm Oil Production in Indonesia organised by an NGO Bread for the World, the globally active relief and development agency of the Protestant Churches in Germany.  Bread for the World is active in almost 100 countries all across the globe empowering the poor and marginalised to improve their living conditions by themselves.  The debate was attended by a wide range of stakeholders from German government officials from the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection to environmental and human rights NGOs such as Sawitwatch and Watch Indonesia!


The debate mainly focused on the violations of human and social rights in Indonesia’s palm oil industry and how the situation can be improved there.  Participants discussed whether certification tools are sufficient and how Europe can make a difference and help improve the situation on the ground.