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First-ever consumer campaign #KnowYourPalm launches in India

In an effort to educate consumers in India, the world’s largest importer of palm oil, RSPO has collaborated with The Better India to launch the very first consumer campaign in the market - #KnowYourPalm. The campaign aims to raise awareness among Indian consumers about the importance of the production and consumption of sustainable palm oil. 

Indian consumers today no longer want to play the role of silent observers. They know the importance of palm oil to different industries, but they are also aware that unsustainable production of palm oil can lead to deforestation in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia and Malaysia - two of the biggest exporters of palm oil to India.

“If you ask me whether Indian consumers care and want to learn more about sustainable palm oil; my answer is a resounding ‘yes’. They definitely do!,” said Kamal Prakash Seth, RSPO Country Head of India.

Indian consumers understand how their choices can affect their lives and the lives of others, as well as wildlife and the environment. They are also aware that the current climate crisis is one of the biggest threats to the planet. And that the rainforests in Southeast Asia, the ‘lungs of the planet’, are a critical carbon sink. If Indian consumers know there is a way to produce palm oil more ethically and sustainably, the demand for it should increase.

As per reports published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the best alternative to palm oil is sustainable palm oil.

“If the chocolate that consumers enjoy, or the burger that they eat, is made without destroying the habitats of wildlife in the rainforest - then why would they not demand for it?,” Kamal said.

“This is the reason why RSPO is working together with The Better India to raise Indian consumers’ awareness about sustainable palm oil through the #KnowYourPalm campaign. We want to educate them through a wide range of exciting interactive content, including videos, blogs, infographics, and webinars. Besides that, we have also created a microsite to answer some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about palm oil consumption and the importance of sustainable palm oil,” Kamal explained further.

Meanwhile, Dhimant Parekh, Founder and CEO, The Better India, said, "We are asking consumers in India to take the pledge to demand for sustainability in everything they consume - and that includes palm oil, which is widely used in our foods. So, do join us in sharing this campaign on your personal and professional social media accounts to help us spread the word. The more you share, the more #KnowYourPalm will gain momentum, and consumers are more likely to demand for sustainable palm oil in India.”

You can watch the campaign’s launch video here and share the video from The Better India’s social media accounts here on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. To find out more about the campaign, please visit https://knowyourpalm.thebetterindia.com/