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Indonesia Members Gathering : Building Networking and Cooperation amongst Members

Indonesia Members Gathering

Taking place at the Mercantile Athletic Club, Jakarta, nearly 70 Indonesia members gathered on 16th October 2014. The gathering was aimed at exchanging updates, provoking ideas, story on best practices on sustainable palm oil journey amongst members, as well as opportunity for the RSPO to share some information.  Bapak Edi Suhardi, Vice Chairman II of RSPO Board of Governors and Prof. Bungaran Saragih, RSPO Advisor, welcomed and provided key notes to the members.  Bapak Salahudin Yacoob, RSPO Technical Director continued with a general updates on RSPO.

Speakers of the 1st panel, moderated by Desi Kusumadewi, RSPO Indonesia Director, were Bapak Adrian Suharto of Neste Oil who inspired growers on RSPO-RED certification, Bapak Freddy Widjaya of Asian Agri told members of their story on smallholders certification, Bapak Joko Arif of IDH (Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative), outlined the supports of IDH, and Bapak Imam El Marzuq of RSPO,  updated on RSPO Smallholders Support Fund (RSSF). In the afternoon, moderated by Bapak Asril Darussamin of RSPO, Bapak Bambang Dwi Laksono of FORMISBI updated members on the progress of INA-NI of RSPO P&C, Ms. Melissa Chin of RSPO followed by an update on Criteria 7.8 of RSPO P&C and Mutuagung Lestari updated members on the progress of joint study of ISPO-RSPO.

The Indonesia members gathering is an annual event organized by the RSPO Indonesia office for the RSPO members in Indonesia, to build networking and cooperation amongst members as well as platform for learning best practices and inspiring stories.