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Phase 2 Review Of The Generic Principles And Criteria – Update From RSPO


font-weight:normal">he RSPO’s Principles and Criteria (P&C) which were agreed upon in 2007 are being reviewed this year after five years, as required. The details of this review process are accessible at:  http://www.rspo.org/blog/topic/30/transforming_the_market_-_review_of_the_generic_principles_and_criteria_of_the_rspo

Phase 1, which has been completed, was a pre-consultation review of the continuing relevance of the P&Cs to give all stakeholders the opportunity to pose some of the more open, fundamental or cross-cutting questions about the P&Cs and how to make it more relevant to sustainability in palm oil.  It was supplemented with a process of drawing together the knowledge and recommendations from the various working groups and task forces of the RSPO over the years; as well as making comparisons with other standards. 

The RSPO thanks all parties from all around the world who have provided valuable feedback. All these comments and contributions have been presented by stakeholder groups a

normal">nd by principles: http://www.rspo.org/blog/topic/31/rspo_pandc_overall_by_stakeholder http://www.rspo.org/blog/topic/33/rspo_pandc_specific_by_principle


These comments have been compiled to feed back into the Phase 2 of the review process, which 

font-weight:normal">started with a meeting 

font-weight:normal">from May 16th

font-weight:normal">– 18th, 2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The P&C Review Task Force (TF) is composed of 21 representatives. All were in attendance and/or represented by their respective alternates from the various stakeholder groups.

background:white">The 3-days session was split into plenary and break-out sessions to focus on specific subject matters. The multi stakeholder and consensus based decision making process was demonstrated through differences expressed as well as agreement on certain aspects which will form the basis for planned future public consultations and further taskforce workshops. Reaching middle ground without compromising the integrity of the fundamentals is an integral part of the multi stakeholder dynamics of the RSPO. This is the first time that the P&C has been reviewed and there was much discussed in order to take on board historical as well as future considerations.  


background:white">Another meeting has been scheduled for the month of June or July this year to further discuss and deliberate on important matters.