Narno Sayoto Irontiko
Asosiasi Petani Sawit Swadaya Amanah
H. Narno Sayoto Irontiko has many years of experience in managing oil palm plantations. Born in Wonogiri, Indonesia, he was appointed as the Head of the Village Unit Cooperative from 2001- 2006, and eventually became the Manager of the Asosiasi Swadaya Amanah smallholder group (2012 - present). Thanks to his management, the Asosiasi Swadaya Amanah group has grown to become one of the most respected farmer groups locally and abroad.
In Indonesia, Asosiasi Swadaya Amanah is a pioneer among farmer groups for having obtained RSPO certification in July 2013, in addition to certification from Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO).
Currently, H. Narno is also the Chairman of the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Farmers Forum Foundation (Yayasan FORTASBI Indonesia) and is an active spokesperson, sharing his experience of managing sustainable oil palm plantations.
Asosiasi Petani Sawit Swadaya Amanah is a group of palm oil smallholders that has been RSPO certified since 2013, counting 501 smallholder members with a land area of 1.048 ha. Asosiasi Petani Sawit Swadaya Amanah is the first palm oil smallholder group which has achieved RSPO certification, as well as the ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certification.