I am an Independent Smallholder
How to make deals as an independent smallholder
As an independent smallholder, trading in RSPO credits provides you direct access to the sustainable palm oil market. You are able to sell credits that account for the palm (kernel) oil that could be extracted from your certified Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) without needing to sell these Bunches to a certified mill. If you do sell your bunches to a certified mill, these can no longer be traded as credits. In other words, you can make a choice on whether to sell your bunches via credits or to a mill. Credit trading allows for direct and on-demand trading, easily done from your online PalmTrace account. Your offered credits can be distinguished from other credits by the prefix -IS, so buyers know they are buying from an independent smallholder. You have the choice of selling IS – CSPO credits, IS – CSPKO credits and IS – CSPKE credits. The volume that could be extracted from your FFB volume is converted into these different credit types based on standard conversion ratios. Revenue earned from credit trading can be invested in your sustainable palm oil production and the future of your group.
To trade in RSPO credits, you need to be an RSPO member first. More information on how to become a member can be found here. Once you are a member and have RSPO certified volume in stock, you can start your credit trading. The process to set up credit trading is explained below. Detailed explanation on how to sell your credits is available in the Manual for Book & Claim in your RSPO PalmTrace account.
Become an RSPO member and get certified
Make sure you produce certified Fresh Fruit Bunches that can be sold as credits
Obtain access to PalmTrace
1. Create an RSPO PalmTrace account here
2. Set your company up for credit trading by filling in the form here
3. You will recieve an e-mail when your setup is complete
Your certification body requests a license for you in RSPO PalmTrace. This is based on your RSPO certification / surveillance audit. In this license, the auditor specifies the volume of IS-CSPO, IS-CSPKO and IS-CSPKE you have available to sell as RSPO Credits. The RSPO Secretariat approves the license request from your certification body
Become active on PalmTrace
Log in to PalmTrace and allocate (part of) your certified volume to tradeable credits
Start your credit trading
You are now able to offer RSPO credts online and to make off-market deals. Please report off-market deals at all times.
Step By Step
A step-by-step guide for selling credits.
Off Market Deals
Learn how to trade one-on-one with customers.
Sales and Premiums
What to expect when selling RSPO credits.